- A&E (12)
- ABC (33)
- BRAVO (2)
- CBS (59)
- Comedy Central (5)
- Discovery Channel (8)
- Disney (2)
- E! (2)
- FOX (37)
- FX (3)
- HBO (109)
- History Channel (2)
- Lifetime (3)
- MTV (1)
- NBC (77)
- Nick (6)
- PBS (16)
- Sci Fi (10)
- Showtime (12)
- Starz (1)
- TLC (1)
- TNT (14)
- UPN (7)
- USA (5)
- VH1 (1)
- The WB (2)
Bestes animiertes Programm (unter einer Stunde)
- „And she was Gone“ (Nick)
- “Disney’s Kim Possible” (Disney Channel)
- “Futurama” (FOX)
- “The Simpsons” (FOX)
- “Spongebob” (Nick)
Bestes animiertes Programm
- „Chased by Dinosaurs“ (Discovery Channel)
Bestes Set für eine Mutli-Kamera-Serie
- „Friends“ (The One in Barbardos I & II, NBC)
- “Sabrina” (Sabrina in Wonderland, The WB)
- “That’s 70s Show” (The Battle of Evermore, FOX)
- “Will & Grace” (24, NBC)
Bestes Set für eine Single-Kamera-Serie
- “ALIAS” (Phase One, ABC)
- “Sex and the City” (Plus One Is The Loneliest Number, HBO)
- “Six Feet Under” (The Opening, HBO)
- “West Wing” (20 Hours in America, NBC)
- “Without a Trace” (Birthday Boy”, CBS)
Bestes Set für eine Miniserie, Movie oder Special
- „Hitler – The Rise of Evil (Part I)” (CBS)
- “Live from Baghdad” (HBO)
- “Meredith Willion’s The Music Man” (ABC)
- “My House in Umbria” (HBO)
- “Napoleon” (A&E)
Bestes Set für Sonstiges und Musicprogramm
- „75th Annual Academy Awards“ (ABC)
- “Cedric – The Entertainer” (Folge: #1, FOX)
- “The 45th Annual Grammy Awards”
- “Madtv” (Folge #806, FOX)
- “Survivor: Thailand” (Folge #513, CBS)
Beste Besetzung für eine Sitcom
- „Friends“ (NBC)
- „Curb your Enthusiam“ (HBO)
- “Scrubs” (NBC)
- “Sex and the City” (HBO)
- “Will & Grace” (NBC)
Beste Besetzung für eine Dramaserie
- “American Dreams” (NBC)
- “Six Feet Under” (HBO)
- “The Sopranos” (HBO)
- “24” (FOX)
- “The West Wing” (NBC)
Beste Bestzung für eine Miniserie, Movie oder Special
- „Door to Door“ (TNT)
- „Hysterical Blindness (HBO)
- “Kingpin” (NBC)
- “Live from Baghdad” (HBO)
- “My House in Umbria” (HBO)
Beste Choreography
- “Boston Public” (FOX)
- “Celine in Las Vegas: Opening Night Live” (CBS)
- “Meredith Willison’s The Music Man (ABC)
- “Smuckers Star’s on Ice” (A&E)
Beste Kamera für eine Multi-Kamera-Serie
- “Everybody Loves Raymond” (Just A Formalty, CBS)
- “Frasier” (Rooms with a View, NBC)
- “Friends” (The One in Barbados, NBC)
- “Girlfriends” (Folge #64, UPN)
- “My Big Fat Greek Wife” (The Big Night, CBS)
- “Will & Grace” (Sex, Losers and Videotapes, NBC)
Beste Kamera für eine Singel-Kamera-Serie
- “Alias” (Double Agent, ABC)
- “CSI: Miami” (The Simple Man, CBS)
- “Six Feet Under” (Nobody Sleeps, HBO)
- “West Wing” (Holy Night, NBC)
Beste Kamera für eine Miniserie oder Movie
- „Door to Door“ (TNT)
- „Hunter“ (NBC)
- “Hysterical Blindness (HBO)
- “Live from Baghdad” (HBO)
- “Out of the Ashes” (Showtime)
Beste Kamera für ein non-fiktionales Format
- „American Experience“ (Daugher from Danang, PBS)
- „James Cameron Expedition: Bismarck“ (Discovery Channel)
- “Journey with George” (HBO)
- “Nova” (Mountain of Ice, PBS)
- “Survivor: Thailand” (CBS)
Beste Werbung
- „Angry Chicken“ (Nike)
- „Fish“ (PBS)
- „The Osbournes“ (Pepsi)
- “Sheen” (VISA)
- “Sqaure” (Volkswagen)
Beste Kostüme für eine Serie
- „ALIAS“ (Phase One, ABC)
- „American Dream“ (Where the Boys are, NBC)
- “Sex and the City” (I Love Charade, HBO)
- “Six feet Under” (Tears, Bones and Desire, HBO)
- “That’s 70s Show” (Ramble On, FOX)
Beste Kostüme für eine Miniserie
- „Hitler: The Rise of Evil (Part II)“ (CBS)
- „Meredith Willson’s The Music Man (ABC)
- “My House in Umbria” (HBO)
- “Napoleon (Part II)” (A&E)
- “Tennessee Williams’ The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone” (Showtime)
Beste Kostüme für Music oder Sonstiges
- „Cher“ (The Farewell Tour, NBC)
- “MADtv” (Folge #809, FOX)
- “The First Annual Miss Dog Beauty Pagement” (FOX)
- “Saturday Night Life” (NBC)
Beste Leitung für eine Comeyserie
- „Curb Your Enthusisam“ (The Nanny from Hell, HBO)
- „Curb Your Enthusisam“ (The Special Section, HBO)
- „Curb Your Enthusisam“ (Krazee-Eyez Killa, HBO)
- „Curb Your Enthusisam“ (Mary, Joseph and Lary, HBO)
- “Sex and the City” (I Love Charade, HBO)
- “Will & Grace” (24, NBC)
Beste Leitung für eine Dramaserie
- „Six Feet Under“ (Nobody Sleeps, HBO)
- “The Sopranos” (Whitecaps, HBO)
- “The Sopranos” (Whoever did Dad, HBO)
- “24” (10pm – 11pm, FOX)
- “West Wing” (25, NBC)
Beste Leitung für Music, Verschiedenes oder Comedy
- „75th Annual Academy Awards“ (ABC)
- „Brude Springsteen & the E Street Band” (CBS)
- “Late Show with David Letterman” (Folge #1876, CBS)
- “Saturday Night Live” (NBC)
- “56th Annual Tony Awards (CBS)
Beste Leitung für Miniserie, Movie oder Drama
- „Door to Door“ (TNT)
- „Live from Badgdad“ (HBO)
- “My House in Umbria (HBO)
- “Soldier’s Girl” (Showtime)
- “Tennessee Williams’ The Roman Spring Of Mrs. Stone” (Showtime)
Beste Leitung für ein non-fiktionalles Programm
- „American Experience“ (The Murder of Emmett Till, PBS)
- “American Idol” (Final, FOX)
- “Da Ali G. Show” (Folge #3, HBO)
- “James Cameron Expedition: Bismarck” (Discovery Channel)
- “Journey with George” (HBO)
- “Unchained Memories: Reading From The Slave (HBO)
Das war Teil I der gesamten Emmy-Nominationen. Die nächsten Teile folgen in ein paar Tagen(ried)