
US-Quoten vom 17. August

1 X Fox MLB All-Star Game: American vs. National, Fox

9.5, 10.0 million homes


2 2 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, CBS

8.8, 9.3 million homes


3 5 Everybody Loves Raymond, CBS

8.1, 8.6 million homes


4 X Fox MLB All-Star Preview, Fox

8.0, 8.5 million homes


5 7 Law & Order, NBC

7.9, 8.3 million homes


6 17 60 Minutes, CBS

7.4, 7.8 million homes


7 13 Becker, CBS

7.2, 7.6 million homes


8 34 48 Hours-Monday, CBS

7.1, 7.5 million homes


9 79 ABC Monday Night Movie: The Horse Whisperer, ABC

7.1, 7.4 million homes


10 30 CBS Sunday Movie: Holy Joe, CBS

6.2, 6.5 million homes


11 29 Dateline NBC-Tuesday, NBC

6.2, 6.5 million homes


12 7 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, NBC

6.2, 6.5 million homes


13 64 Dog Eat Dog, NBC

6.1, 6.5 million homes


14 40 60 Minutes II, CBS

6.0, 6.4 million homes


15 67 Big Brother 3-Wednesday, CBS

6.0, 6.4 million homes


16 36 Law & Order: Criminal Intent, NBC

5.8, 6.2 million homes


17 142 NBC Saturday Night Movies: Men in Black, NBC

5.8, 6.1 million homes


18 44 Primetime Thursday, ABC

5.8, 6.1 million homes


19 64 Crime and Punishment, NBC

5.7, 6.0 million homes


20 5 Friends, NBC

5.7, 6.0 million homes

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